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Yay, September! This month is a bit more exciting as far as holidays go. The first one I decided to celebrate was Library Card Sign-Up Month. Now, I already have a library card and have had one for the Farmington Community Library even before I was a resident here. This was no small feat. I had to go to great lengths to prove I worked within the city in order to get a library card. A notarized letter from my employer was involved and I even had to ‘renew’ this after a year to prove I still worked in Farmington Hills. Yeah, they don’t mess around. Now that I am officially a resident, I no longer have to live in fear of my library card being snatched away from me at any given moment. Finally, peace of mind! So, for this holiday I thought it would be fun to get Roman a library card. I inquired if there was an age requirement in order to get a card and there is not. Basically Roman’s card will just be an extension of mine. So when he gets older and doesn’t return books in time that is going to go on MY permanent record. Fabulous. Roman is no stranger to the library. We go there every few weeks and he is allowed to get three new books each time. He has a very specific routine when we go….here is a peek into a Roman trip to the library:

Upon arrival, pennies must be thrown into the fountain at the entrance.

His favorite part – returning his books. They go on a conveyor belt and he gets a real thrill out of putting the books in there himself.

Then we head downstairs to the kids area. I did not take a zillion pictures of him here, but there is an extensive play area set up that provides non-stop amusement for children. We are very lucky to have such an awesome library in our community.

Pit stop in the bathroom since Roman is basically fully potty trained now, yippee!! He enjoyed the automatic faucets.

Now the moment we have all been waiting for….it’s official! He has his very own library card!

Checking out his new books on the way home.

Mommy got a little something something too. Oh yeah!

Since he was good at the library he got a special treat. As much as he loves his books, I think ice cream still trumps anything at this point in his life. Hey, can you blame him?

This holiday provokes an interesting question in my mind. How many people have active library cards? By active I mean, valid library cards that have been used within the past 6 months. I decided to do a poll to see how many blog readers have a library card. Remember, these polls are very easy. You don’t have to enter any info, you simply can choose an answer and that’s it. So, please participate because it’s FUN!


Leo Peo Pizza Pie looking cute per usual.

Bros 4 Life